OK Tiara Mack I’ll play along!
Rhode Island State Senator Mack wants your attention and your vote.
What better way than to get attention and vote is to turn yourself upside down and twerk! She’s literally Twerking for votes folks.
She posted a beach TikTok video where she decided to promote herself. She did a very good job. She and another woman in the video are having a conversation and then she’s flipped over and stars Twerking. I must admit, as a man she’s got a pretty good frame on her. As a politician, I’m not so sure though.
Esta es la senadora Demócrata de Rhode Island, Tiara Mack, y subió este video en su cuenta de TikTok e Instagram para pedirle a la gente que vote por ella: pic.twitter.com/PqYgpLcWmP
— Emmanuel Rincón (@EmmaRincon) July 5, 2022
Now, Miss Mack decided to lash back at the criticism of her social media act. She said that the conservative nation is really “unhinged “and we’re basically attacking her. But, I think that she’s misunderstanding what people are looking for for the public leaders.
Mack also addressed that she is a college, Ivy League no less, educated woman of the LGBT+ persuasion. And, I’m not sure why that matters here. I supposed it says “I am qualified.” Nevertheless, I think the people on both sides, both Democrats and Republicans, have come out against this behavior.
I don’t really know her politics and I probably never will, because she’s in Rhode Island. But, looking under the comments from the initial tweet festival that took place today it does seem like there’s more backlash than support. I do know some are in support of her but they seem very frivolous. One person said “she’s so cool. “I don’t think that is enough to get a vote.
Now, if she was in a strip show or a strip club, she would probably get my vote. If she was battling Megan Thee Stallion, she would not get my vote.
Here are some more of the tweets.
As a Black, queer woman you all should know the answer. It’s no. Let’s them carry on their narrative. Me? I’m going to be joyful, free, and unbothered.
— Tiara Mack (@MackDistrict6) July 5, 2022
so can the media also cover when I won a national championship in May and named MVP of the match? pic.twitter.com/t85v0UPbhH
— Tiara Mack (@MackDistrict6) July 5, 2022
What do you think?