Slim Thug Makes Statement About Drake, Jewish People & Black Music…Uh Oh

Big Slim aka Slim Thug

Slim Thug has a lot to say about Drake, Jewish folk and who should own Black music. Does he have a point or is he just antisemitic?

Slim Thug—also known as Big Slim—is out here making some serious statements, and he runs the risk of being called antisemitic. Here’s the statement and the video to go with it:

“Jewish people should own Drake.. Jewish people should own Jewish music.. I don’t like that Jewish people own Black music… we need to take the culture back”

Slim Thug has been stirring up some real talk about who’s running the show in the Black music scene. Big dog hit up Instagram Live over the weekend and risked it all. The Houston rapper didn’t hold back and said, quite simply, he’s all about having Black culture in Black hands, plain and simple. What could be wrong with that?

He also said, “Jewish folks should vibe with Drake—he’s Jewish, right? They should be all about Jewish music. But Black music? That should be ours. If you’re not living and breathing our culture, why own it? We need Black voices owning our beats and bars. It’s all about fixing this imbalance for me. You ain’t Jewish, why you owning a Jewish artist’s tunes? If it ain’t your jam, why you claiming it? Nah, we’re not about that. Time to reclaim what’s ours. Especially when our people are struggling, we gotta own our sound.”

I think the Jewish highlight is going to raise some eyebrows. But Slim Thug continued on with his rant to say that each and every race should be the owners of their own particular brand of music. His statement arrived after he was challenged by somebody.

“Every culture should own their sound,” he continued. “Jewish, white, Spanish—everyone should rock their own beat. It’s not about racism; it’s fairness.”

He didn’t name too many names, but he did mention former Roc-A-Fella head honcho Dame Dash, who was ousted decades ago. I think there’s more to that, but he did toss out the phrase culture vultures.

“We’re done with culture vultures,” he said. “They tried to sideline Dame Dash, but he was on point—standing up for what’s ours.”

He also went at DJ Vlad. But Royce Da 5′ 9 recently put the onus on us. I’m thinking that he’s more in line with a forward thinking, not a reactionary way of thinking.

Check out that interview here.

What do you guys think about this? Honestly, this is nothing new, butI think that there is a different mindstate and people are seeing things in a different way.

Nevertheless, I think bro should take a class on how capitalism works and them come back to the table.