Usher’s Big Problem Gets Bigger In Philly


Usher was not about to let people take money out of his big ol’ pockets. Check out how he handled some hustlers around his concert.

Usher‘s got a serious issue on his hands. At every one of his shows, fans go wild—but outside the venue, it’s a different story. Hustlers are trying to cash in on his name, pushing fake merchandise that’s not legit, but Usher is not having it.

At a recent stop in Philly, things got intense. These bootleggers weren’t just bold, they were reckless. They tried to sneak into the Colosseum area, slipping past security to sell their knockoff gear to fans who showed up early. Word is, they even bent the perimeter bars to get in. But Usher and his team weren’t about to let that slide. They called in the big guns—undercover cops—to handle the situation. And let me tell you, when those cops moved in, it was like flipping on the lights in a roach-infested room—those bootleggers scattered quickly, my sources told me! Tell me more at @Illseed_ – if you hear something.

The wild part? Usher’s own crew was right there on the ground, overseeing the whole thing like it was a sting operation. It was a strategic takedown, no doubt, but I think they went easy. Now, I didn’t see anyone getting cuffed, so it looks like the cops were just trying to clear them out, not necessarily lock them up. In that sense, they handled it with a bit of restraint. But still, they sent a clear message—don’t mess with Usher’s hustle.

I heard the show was crazy and everybody went home happy. Afterward, the bootleggers were outside. I think they made their money, Ursh made his and everybody was happy.