AllHipHop Presents the Best Hip-Hop Love Songs of All Time!

LL Cool J

Check out AllHipHop’s list of the BEST hip-hop love songs ever recorded!

“Prototype,” Speakerboxx / The Love Below, OutKast (2003)


Imagine having the pressure of being André 3000’s prototype. The song suggests that the person that captures his affection just has to be herself, but we know just by how extraordinary Mr. Benjamin is that woman might as well be as extraterrestrial as the video suggests. Consider this … as amazing as Erykah Badu is … even she could not be the prototype of love for this Hip-Hop icon.

Actually … maybe she was the prototype and maybe that is the reason why after their break up we’ve not seen him with another. #SeeYouNextLifetimeLove

“(Today) Today must be my lucky day
Baby, you are the prototype
Do something out of the ordinary
Like catch a matinée
Baby, you are the prototype”