
Tropical beauty, Rihanna has made a future on her good looks. The pop star and Hip-Hop darling is caramel complected dream girl that has looked the same since she burst on the scene with her hit album Music of the Sun in 2005. She was different. Sure, her sound was a strange flavor of fly, but that face on that young woman made many people want to just move to the islands and wait for her to walk on by.

Seven albums later, she is still one of the hottest starlets to grace the mic, walk a runway, stunt in a video, or rock a show. But as lately, it seems that she has crammed all of her dopeness into her numerous businesses. Not surprisingly these businesses are in beauty and fashion. Homegirl found a way to bottle up her pretty and sell it to the masses with her successful skin and make-up line, Fenty. How successful you ask? At least a-drop-dead-gorgeous $600 million. She doesn’t pop out much, but when she does fans are never dissatisfied. She lives casually and preserves her joy — which is probably why she still looks 18.