OHHHHH snap! I’m hearing that there may be a full version of Jay-Z’s “Beach Is Better,” the song on his album that’s less than a minute long. I am hearing that a nearly 4-minute version of the song is on the way. The whole album is pretty good, but a lot of people are totally confused as to why this particular song is so bumping, YET so short! So, I’m hearing that this may be in the works after the “Picasso Baby” fervor is over.
RELATED: [Video] Harry Belafonte Wants Sit Down With Jay Z
What say you MCHG Committee?

Remember, Jay is debuting the video to “Picasso Baby” on HBO on August 2.
They keep us talking, but if we stop talking about them then they should worry! -illseed.
Illseed, Out.
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