C.Wavie Is Paving New Path For Upcoming Artists

“My favorite song to perform is called “Fountain” because I love the drop and the hook of the song and the meaning behind it.”

The Internet has impacted the music business in such a positive way. For many, it has opened countless new doors and lifestyles; it’s been wonderful in particular to rising artist C. Wavie! For him and many others around the world, the creation, promotion, and distribution of music have become just another way to be able to market the stuff we do to the world.

Without the internet, the only people would see or hear about our family and friends within a neighborhood or community.  C. Wavie is actively using all the platforms to his advantage. With so many outlets and platforms, he feels a lot of artists and creators alike need to try to put themselves out on the internet, and give it they’re all. 

C. Wavie would have to describe his music with one word, and that word is “Wavie.” Not it in the conventional sense of his music flows, to C. Wavie, music is like a tidal wave. “Some songs will build your emotions so high that you want to scream, others will make you want to dance, and a lot of the time my music is relatable.”

When it comes to being able to grow as an artist and working on stage presence, C. Wavie practices gratitude regularly, for both the reception and support they’ve received, on and off stage. As far as favorite tracks to perform, the artist had this to say:

“My favorite song to perform is called “Fountain” because I love the drop and the hook of the song and the meaning behind it.”

“Who is the source of some of the best advice I’ve received? The best advice would be from my manager!” He said, “It’s seriously uplifting to be told by a supportive figure in your life; You are good enough. You are better than anyone else in our city doing it. You just gotta believe In yourself.” 

“I didn’t feel my stuff was good enough and I didn’t want to be looked at as someone who was just copying what their family members were doing.”

When asked about upcoming plans, C. Wavie had this to say about the future: “I’m in Album mode. I have put out a few singles and have a few more I will drop in the near future. Right now I want to put out this album. I have been working so hard on this album! It’s almost time to unleash the wave. Stay tuned!”
