Another Day, Another Herpes Lawsuit For Usher

(AllHipHop News) A woman who accused Usher of giving her herpes has launched a new lawsuit against him. Laura Helm claimed she contracted the sexually transmitted disease during unprotected sex sessions with the Yeah! hitmaker in July. The singer previously denied Helm’s claims and in November of 2017, her lawyer requested the dismissal of a […]

(AllHipHop News) A woman who accused Usher of giving her herpes has launched a new lawsuit against him.

Laura Helm claimed she contracted the sexually transmitted disease during unprotected sex sessions with the Yeah! hitmaker in July.

The singer previously denied Helm’s claims and in November of 2017, her lawyer requested the dismissal of a $20 million lawsuit without prejudice.

However earlier this week, Helm filed a new lawsuit in Georgia for several counts of negligence, battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and fraud.

“Plaintiff suffers mentally and emotionally from the humiliation and stigma attached (to) a single woman infected with the incurable Herpes SV2,” the lawsuit reads.

Helm is seeking unspecified damages.

Usher has not responded to the new lawsuit, but he is also facing legal action from Quantasia Sharpton, who went public with her rumored night of passion with Usher during a press conference in August.

Sharpton revealed she had not contracted herpes from the alleged encounter at a Days Inn hotel following an Usher concert in Atlantic City, New Jersey in 2014, but is suing because she believes she had been put at risk by the musician.

Usher has refuted her claims, but he is also being sued by an unidentified Georgia woman, who claims she was also diagnosed with herpes after sleeping with the singer.

She filed suit in July of 2017 demanding $20 million in punitive damages and another $20 million for emotional harm and medical bills.

The 39-year-old, who recently separated from his second wife Grace Miguel, has also denied those allegations and previously asked a judge to dismiss the lawsuit.