Child That Was Used As “Human Shield” By Father Dies

Yaseem Jenkins's father Nafes Monroe

Yaseem Jenkins’s father Nafes Monroe is the biggest POS father walking the planet right now.

RIP Yaseem Jenkins!

Poor Yaseem was only 11 months old when he was shot four times in 2019. He was 3 years old. When he was under a year old, he father used him as a “human shield.”

Fox 29 of Philadelphia reported that he he was shot in the head, chest and lower body when his dad used him to stop bullets from hitting him.

“We are awaiting a medical examiner’s report on the cause of death, but we have reason to believe his cause of death is his original injury,” Krasner said, according to Fox 29. 


In October 2019, Nafes Monroe, who is Yaseem’s biological father, was involved in a drug deal withs shooting suspect Francisco Ortiz. Ortiz said Monroe was using counterfeit money in the deal. Also, the authorities aid that Monroe pulled up to the drug deal with the kid to avoid being shot. That didn’t work.

Ortiz let his thang go and hit the kid anyway.

“He was using counterfeit money to purchase drugs, knowing that counterfeit money is something that is very upsetting to drug dealers, and when they find out that they’re being burned with counterfeit money, they act violently. And this was not the first instance of Mr. Monroe using counterfeit money,” said Anthony Voci of the district attorney’s office.


“It’s our belief and our investigation has led us to believe that he intentionally had his child with him when he was making such types of purchases with the idea or belief that if someone saw that he had a child in the car they would not fire upon him,” Voci added, “A human shield is probably the term that I would use.”

I hope this dude gets the death penalty!

Click here for the GoFundMe to help for the funeral.