Diddy shook up the internet when he decided to don an incredible Halloween suit portraying The Joker, the iconic enemy of The Batman. The Joker also tends to represent anarchy and criminal genius in New Joke city. It looks like Diddy was also testing his acting chops as he transversed the city with his crew (security). But, it seems like one person was not playing: Michael J. Ferguson aka 2-Bit from “Power.”
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There’s only a portion of the situation online, but clearly something was said and when we join the convo. “He’s pu$$y…(looks at Diddy, who seems to be whispering something) You N!99A! Yeah him,” says Ferguson. Diddy starts going in an out of character after that saying “You’re a clown…You don’t like me?” and laughing maniacally. I know he was not playing because he eventually said, “What did I do to you…do you know who I am?” So, it seems like Diddy was bouncing between his real self and his character.
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Ferguson gets my respect for one reason: it is not easy to stand in front of Diddy and say those things. Especially with a gang of dudes with him looking like The Joker’s goon squad.
Why did this happen? Nobody seems to know, but the dude that recorded this particular clip gave some insight. Take it away @frankvasquez_ :
“Diddy was just walking through the street I was following him and taking photos. Then he turned around and walked the other way and went up to him laughing and playing the Joker act and dude called him a pu$$y and that’s when I started recording.”
I wonder if this is somehow an offshoot of the beef 50 Cent has with Diddy? I don’t know.