All white girls claiming that Drake bullied her in high school. I didn’t know this, but Drake attended a very exclusive private school called Vaughn Road. And she says that he used to bully her in high school. She says that she was a transfer student and also a victim of trafficking, and finally had to deal with Drake.
This is what she had to say:
“I attended Von Road Academy approximately in 2004.” [Approximately?]
“It was my first day at Vaughan Road Academy and I walked into the cafeteria … and there’s [Drake] standing there blocking where I wanted to walk through.”
“[Drake] was staring daggers at me, and looking me up and down. look at him and I’m like, ‘Hi, I’m Keena, nice to meet you. And he says to me, ‘Stop f***ing staring at me you fat f###ing b##h.”
She also describes this particular incident where he was making fun of her during dance.
@daedricsiren The reason why I made Zesty jokes about Aubrey. #richflex #richflexlyrics #drake #bullying #21savage #bullyingawareness #cptsd #cptsdawareness #talkingishealing #megantheestallion #zesty #meme #whosthefatBnow #itsStillMe #jokes
♬ original sound – Kyna
“Later outside Miss Scobee’s dance class [Drake] was hanging around with a group of kids.” She told everybody that Drizzy asked her to boogie and then tripped her when she started dancing. Sounds fishy!

Now in the comment section people weren’t really vibing with what she said, and some people even called her a Karen. Homegirl actually looks sort of like someone that was trafficked and bullied.
Most people don’t seem to believe her and want to know more or at least some sort of proof. Others really actually want to see if Drake responds and confirms what she saying or even refute it. Others say that this is a part of her healing process and actually want her to continue to speak her truth. Lastly, some even said she might be bullying Drake now! That’s funny.