Kanye said what he said. And, quite frankly, it didn’t go over well. He basically went at George Floyd’s daughter and her mother. In so many words, he said “I gave yall 2$ bucks and you stabbed me in the back with this lawsuit.” It came off extremely condescending and narcissistic. I cannot believe he is running wild. Check out what he said before we get over the man of the hour, Stephen Jackson.
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Now, Kanye uses a lot of triggering words like “lynching,” which are definitely not appropriate for his rich a$$. But the whole tone of the letter is inappropriate. This letter comes right after the former billionaire made a profound apology to the family of George Floyd for saying he died of Fentanyl and not a racist cop. Anyway, as you know, George Floyd was well connected and Mr. Stephan Jackson is one of his best friends.
He stepped up and told Kanye to come see him, not Floyd’s ex or his daughter. HIM! Here’s what he said:
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1. U say stupid s### u get stupid prizes.
2. U put G name in your mouth speaking false s###. Self inflicted wounds. Coppin please now them pockets getting hurt.
3. U wanna talk about somebody hat with that b####### u wearing. And marking it up🤦🏾♂️. For the people though 😂
4. It’s a lot of people mad they can’t be involved in suing u so they gonna try to demean Roxi to get a check. We know who they are.
5. Same people that didn’t have a seat for Gianna and Roxi and G funeral. They don’t want me to tell it all. Keep playing with me.
6. That’s how u know your donation wasn’t genuine u don’t even know how much u gave them 🤡.
7. U can never compare what G suffered to what u going through. Not even close. U a attention w#### and mad kuz somebody took yo b####. Go get u some milk N####. I got time. @kanyewest @kanyewest
My dude Stay is a stand up dude.
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