Kelis finally come into on the situation she has been with Beyoncé. She didn’t say a lot, but she said a lot. And I say that because if you look at my last rumor, I mentioned her relationship with Pharrell as the real target.
Beyoncé was just the conduit to get at, and possibly hurt Pharrell. As you already know, bro – along with Chad – owns the rights and publishing, and whatever music industry jargon you can name to Kelis’s musical catalog. Obviously, as an artist, and a more wiser, older person she knows that’s where most of the money is.
So when someone like Beyoncé jumps in and has a sample that includes your music and Pharrell gets more money than you, it probably presents an issue. Also, it really seen that she legitimately was upset that nobody said anything to her or got her permission to use the sample. I don’t think she would have cleared it and I don’t think they wanted to talk to her either. Now, when I heard the song, I couldn’t even begin to tell that it was a version (interpolation) of a Kelis record. And I am a fan. I just couldn’t hear it. So it was very small and minor to me.
But, with Kelis it was a big deal. And she made a huge stink.
Anyway, she didn’t make a lot of commentary, but she leapt into the comments of somebody’s post and remarked exactly what her goal was. And she basically said it was mission accomplished.

In the comments, she basically indicated that Pharrell would no longer be getting paid off the song. She did this by agreeing with a comment from another random person. She significantly regarded this as a win. I have to say though, my source said he would still be entitled to monies from the song, even though it was taken off the record. I am no musical insider or genius, so I don’t actually know which is the truth.
Kelis certainly would know more than me, but she may not even know. She may just be celebrating the actual victory, as it is in her head. It should be noted, although probably irrelevant, that Kelis and Pharrell dated briefly in 2001.
At the end of the day, I just hope this is over. And we can move on with our lives.