MC Debbie D is calling for a truce. The move comes after MC Sha-Rock went on Instagram and Facebook Live with a Hip-Hop history lesson. On Wednesday night (March 15), Debbie D posted a typed response to three of Hip-Hop’s earliest female MCs: Lisa Lee, Pebblee Poo and MC Sha-Rock.
“Back in the day, though we were competitive in our crews, we were yet sisters,” she began. “As I preview old interviews online and in books, each of us spoke highly of one another in regard to the long standing work we each contributed to hip hop culture. What happened? How did we ever allow ourselves to get to the place where we yell at one another and twist truths to make ourselves higher than the other. One of the things I love about each of our stories, is that in some way, all of us are firsts.”
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Debbie D then goes on to list the individual accomplishments of MC Sha-Rock, affectionately referred to as the “Mother of the Mic,” Lisa Lee and Pebblee Poo.
To Sha-Rock, specifically, she said, “You are Hip-Hop’s first female MC; PERIOD! Not a single one of your Matriarch sisters is denying your place. Your contribution to the culture as the first can never be replaced. In every room I enter, I still speak your name but many times I wonder, when you sit in the room, do you ever speak mine, or any of the Matriarchs without minimizing our contributions and downplaying history.
“For an hour, I listened to you speak on livestream disrespecting each of your Matriarch sisters and never actually getting to the point of explaining what the purpose of the livestream, which was the difference between the first female MC and the first female MC soloist. My sister, you are first, yes, but there is a reason why the four of us are Matriarchs. You did not build the culture alone.”
She concluded by asking for peace as the official 50th anniversary of Hip-Hop, August 11, inches closer. She also suggested they join forces and get “paid” to talk about Hip-Hop history on panels and tours.
“Having said, I’d like to call a truce and ask each of you to join me on a Zoom call,” she added. “Please check your emails. I love you all and pray that very soon the world will see the peace, love, unity and having fun we once had with one another.”
MC Sha-Rock has yet to respond, but AllHipHop has reached out for comment. Watch her Instagram Live video below.
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