Boosie’s legal troubles have reached a significant turning point. MediaTakeOut has conducted an investigation and has determined that Boosie will be spending somewhere between 5 to 15 years in a federal prison. This conclusion is based on factual information.

On the night of May 6, everything changed for our beloved (or hated) Boosie, but we have to go the long way for it all to happen. The rapper was apprehended during a traffic stop on Market Street in the Chollas View neighborhood. During the stop, law enforcement officers discovered two loaded firearms inside the vehicle. Boosie was then charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm. He pleaded not guilty on May 15 and suddenly prosecutors in San Diego decided to drop all charges against him. This was odd. The second he left the courtroom, However, the FBI arrested the Badazz.
First of all, read this: Boosie Badazz’s Gun Arrest: Feds Bank On IG Live
There’s another thing against him. Boosie charges that the firearm did not belong to him, but he has made statements that go against his legal testimony. In a recent podcast, Boosie openly revealed that he has individuals on his team who are specifically tasked with deceiving the police if they were to be found in possession of guns.
Federal code 18 U.S.C. § 922(g) prohibits felons from carrying firearms. It is worth noting that a felony conviction, whether obtained in state or federal court, entails more than just imprisonment and a fine. Boosie won’t be allowed to possess a firearms or ammunition either. It is unlawful for a convicted felon to ship, transport, receive, or possess firearms or ammunition.

The penalties is tough here. A felon possessing a firearm or ammunition is upwards of 15 years with a fine on the side. Based on the numbers and the averages, he’ll do at least a strong FIVE. He’s apologized to his kids and that says a lot.
Hopefully…dude gets out of this. But it is looking CUH-RAZY!